(86 769)22884020 zhu@meanwellqn.com
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QianEn Tech Co.,Ltd

Add:2nd Floor, No. 3 North Third Street, Hadi Daxin Road, Nancheng Street, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

Tel:(86 769)22884020


SolutionAnalysis and Laboratory

Microbiology Testing

Through electron microscopy, biometrics, or microbiological diagnostic systems to analyze the microbes that are invisible to the human eye is the current trend for diagnosis and research. There are many kinds of related instruments, such as a transmission electron microscope (TEM), energy filtering transmission electron microscope (EFTEM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), or cryo-electron microscopy. The mechanism and power requirements for different types of electron microscopes are different. In addition, there are extremely high requirements for EMC to ensure accurate and interference-free results and image. MEAN WELL offers a variety of high-performance medical-grade power supplies to fulfill the variety of requirements. In particular, the built-in bare-type RPS/MFM/MPM series can operate under fanless natural air-cooling conditions, avoiding vibrations that may affect imaging results.