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QianEn Tech Co.,Ltd

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FAQFunctionality Aspect

In MEAN WELL's catalog, we see AC and DC at input, what is it all about?

Due to different circuit designs, MEAN WELL power supply's input consists of three types as below:




c.85~132VAC/176~264VAC by Switch; 250~370VDC

In a and b inputs models, power supply can work properly no matter under AC or DC input. Some models need correct connection of input poles, positive pole connects to AC/L; negative pole connects to AC/N. Others may require opposite connection, positive pole to AC/N; negative pole to AC/L. If customers make a wrong connection, the power supply will not be broken. You can just reverse the input poles and power supply will still work.

In c input models, please make sure that you switch the 115/230V input correctly. If the switch is on the 115V side and the real input is 230V, the power supply will be damaged.