(86 769)22884020 zhu@meanwellqn.com
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QianEn Tech Co.,Ltd

Add:2nd Floor, No. 3 North Third Street, Hadi Daxin Road, Nancheng Street, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

Tel:(86 769)22884020


FAQFunctionality Aspect

Why did the power supply shuts down during operation and after turning it off, I can restart the power supply again?

In general there are two circumstances that will cause the power supply to shut down. The first one is the activation of the over-load-protection (OLP). To deal with this situation, we suggest increasing the rating of the output power or modifying the OLP point. The second one is the activation of over-temperature protection (OTP) when the internal temperature reaches the pre-set value. All of these conditions will let the S.P.S. enter protection mode and shut down. After these conditions are removed, the S.P.S. will be back to normal.