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Is it possible to build your own charging curve on the smart chargers when the pre-defined charging curves do not satisfy battery charging requirements?(Video t

Yes, charging curves of smart chargers including ENC series, RPB series and RCB series can be set and adjusted through SBP-001, the charging programmer.

SBP-001 utilizes the software with the connection between the charger and itself to allow users to programme charging curves.

Adjustable functions are:

Charging parameter adjustment: Values of constant current (CC), constant voltage (CV), float voltage (FV) and tapper current (TC) can be set and adjusted.

Battery temperature compensation: Various charging voltage compensation is provided for battery at different temperature conditions.

Timeout setting: Fully programmable timeout during stages enables to be set to shutdown the charger to prevent battery over-charge.

Please refer to the user’s manual as link below for detailed information:


Following video is an example of demonstrating the ENC-120.